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Water Damage Restoration Dallas

Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX offers water damage restoration in Dallas, TX. If you're battling with water damage - from the aftermath of a fire, from faulty plumbing, leaky ceilings or pipes, or just because someone forgot to close the window before the big storm - time is of the essence.

Ignoring standing water or signs of moisture in walls, ceilings, floors and other parts of your home will quickly mushroom into serious health risks. That's why we have a 24/7 emergency water extraction and flood restoration hot-line waiting for your call.

Our crackerjack team is adept at dealing with flood damage using professional, high-powered water extraction, drying, and cleaning equipment. Our many years in the field have also given us lots of experience with insurance claims for water damage.

Water damage restoration technicians from Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX have hands on experience dealing with all types of water damage at varying levels of contamination. The following is a table which describes the three major water damage categories:

Category Source Indicators Risks
Clean Water
Plumbing problems (leaks, burst pipes, etc.), Overflows Clear water on floor, Water spots on ceiling / walls, Signs of streaking, Moisture around ceiling light fixtures Leads to mold, mildew and bacterial growth
Grey Water
Appliance malfunctions, Sump pump failures, Toilet bowl overflows Discolored water on floor, Chemical or biological contaminants in water source Contains health threatening contaminants, Leads to mold / mildew and bacterial growth
Black Water
Sewage, Seawater, Standing water, Untreated Category 1 or 2 Dark water on floors and walls, Visible water contamination Unharnessed growth of bacteria and fungus, Health hazards

Flood & Water Damage Restoration Dallas, TX 75201

If you see any signs of water damaged furniture/walls/carpets, avoid compounded health issues by calling us today 214-550-0138. After evaluating the premises with specialized moisture detection instruments, our technicians will outline the steps necessary they will take to dry up the water and restore as much as possible. The results will be:

  • Clean, fresh smelling interiors
  • No mold, mildew and other bacteria or fungi associated with water damage
  • Carpet, furniture, upholstery and wood floor restoration

Please note that the ace team from Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX is not made up of plumbers or general contractors. We recommend that you contact the appropriate professional to eliminate the source of the flooding prior to or concurrent to the cleanup process.

Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX
Phone: 214-550-0138
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
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