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Tile & Grout Cleaning in Dallas

The professional tile and grout cleaning services offered by Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX leave tiled surfaces looking like new. Our comprehensive package goes beyond cleaning and polishing tiles to include sanitization, mold and mildew removal, grout rehabilitation, restoration and sealing.

Care for Tiled Surfaces

As interior design trends come and go, tiles remain a constant on the scene. Obtainable in a range of materials (stone, marble, glass, ceramic tile, etc.), not to mention the full gamut of colors, tiles offer beauty, durability and easy care. Even so, tiled surface can dull or become discolored on the surface over time. Neglecting your tile floor, wall or counter coverings in this way will lead to an assortment of problems.

Professional Tile and Grout Care in Dallas, TX 75201

You obviously don't need a professional to wipe down tiled surfaces or to keep them reasonably clean. You do need our professional tile and grout cleaning services, however, to undo the damage your cleaning methods can't address. Tile grout is a porous material with small pores that soak up residue from soap, wax, and other products typically used to keep tiled surfaces clean.

Our tile and grout cleaning technicians in Dallas follow a tried and true methodology for any floors that are more than one year old:

Step one: Pre-treatment with a gentle solvent that loosens soap and wax buildup, calcium carbonates, embedded dirt, grime, mold, mildew. Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX steers clear of toxic chemicals and uses only eco-friendly solvents and products.

Step two: Thorough, brushing of tile and grout surfaces to scrub off the loosened particles.

Step three: Depending on the tile type, location, and grout integrity, washing and rinsing is conducted using rotary cleaners for steam cleaning, coupled with vigorous vacuuming that sucks up all traces of moisture or a gentler, yet equally efficient, process is used.

Step four: Drying and visual inspection. It is at this point that our technicians inspect the tile and grout and ensure that all spots, stains and traces of mold or mildew have been obliterated.

Step five: Grout sealing (recommended). Promote efficient grout performance by having Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX add grout sealer or color restoration sealer to grout lines. Sealed grout lines absorb fewer pollutants and bring an immaculate look to your floors.

Call Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX at 214-550-0138 to learn more about our services.

Dallas Carpet Cleaning TX
Phone: 214-550-0138
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
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